Monday, August 26 2024 | #004 | Free Version

Welcome to the HIGH TICKET HANDBOOK Newsletter!

Earlier this week, I closed a $10k ticket for one of my clients. It took me 10 minutes of closing.

In this article, I will explain exactly how I did it.

What’s that? You hate reading?

How about a video instead?

(This cost me 12 hours to make, so you better enjoy it! 😂 )

Here’s what happened:

This week, I posted a series of LinkedIn posts discussing surviving a recession.

You can find them here, here and here:

The posts must have struck a nerve because many people contacted me afterward.

Most of them were from the tech space. I offered them short call to take a look at their case.

The sessions were about 30 minutes, where I spent 10 minutes getting to know the person and another 15 understanding their problem.